Monday, November 4, 2013

Why Am I Doing This?

   Exactly, why am I doing this? Well we all know one of the best parts of science is doing the experiments. I have wanted to do this but I have never gotten to it until now. What got me going then?
   One day I found myself being lazy. After school I would just plop down on my brown couch and watch TV all afternoon. One day I thought, “There must be something better I could do.” I remembered my two Steve Spangler science books on my third shelf. “I should really do those,” I thought, “I would have a blast!” But high-school really kicked in and life got busy.
  For my enjoyment, I volunteered at a conference.That is when something unexpected happened. I saw Steve Spangler himself!! I got to meet him and see him do a short, but enthralling, demo. Seeing what he does inspired me to do this crazy journey.