This is the last experiment for this chapter of “Kitchen Chemistry”. We will be doing the same chemical reaction as our “Naked Egg” experiment but with a little twist. I am going to remove the yolk and egg white!! I grabbed the unsuspecting egg and, using a thumb-tack , I poked a hole on the top of the egg and the bottom.
After I had successfully made holes big enough, I took a skewer, stuck it in the egg, and scrambled the contents of the egg.
Now here is the gross part, I need to blow out the contents of the egg. Taking a cloth I cleaned the top of the egg so that I will not get raw egg in my mouth.
With a deep breath I told myself, “For science!”. I put my mouth on the egg and began to blow.
It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be! But I did feel the need to rinse out my mouth afterwards. Then I immersed the egg in vinegar. It bubbled, filling up with vinegar.
Now here is the hard part, we have to wait for the vinegar to dissolve the egg shell. In 24 hours I will replace this vinegar with a fresh batch. Then it will be about 10 days before the shell will dissolve. I do not know why but it will take longer than the previous experiment. Now all we have to do is wait! I will keep you posted.