This experiment was exciting! We took more of a scientific approach to this one too. Which isn’t a bad thing! I do not know about you but I love scientific data!! It makes everything so organized and I learn a lot more by writing it down.
With this experiment I have Alka-Seltzer tablets, water, and film canisters. First, I need to know how long it takes for a 1/4 of a tablet to dissolve in water in the canister. I put a 1/4 of a tablet in the canister and it did what Alka-Seltzer does, FIZZ!
I timed how long it took for the tablet to dissolve completely. I timed it three times and calculated the average, which was 52.19 seconds.
What is the next step? I did the same thing but I snapped on the lid to the film canister.
Imagining using my ninja skills, I plopped the partial tablet in and quickly snapped on the lid.
I started the timer, stepped back, and……
OOPS! Almost forgot to put on my shnazzy safety glasses!
What do you think will happen? I will tell you right now for the sake of understanding. The lid is supposed to pop off and fly into the air! But…. The first round didn’t blow up! I waited for a little while to see if it would blow… it refused. So, cautiously touch the canister.
But no cigar. With no other choice, I picked up the canister (pointing it away from me and others) and opened it carefully in the sink. I, next, reset the experiment. The next ones worked fine! I put the tablet in and it would give out a big POP and the lid would fly so high it hit the ceiling. It was so loud it made me jump!
You can even see the little drops of water flying!
So, why didn’t it work at first? There are a few variables to consider. I may have not put the lid on fast enough, the lid could’ve not been on right, and the tablet might have been smaller than the others. There are a few things that could have affected the results! The important thing, however, I was able to get the average of the exploding tests. The average was 35.51 seconds compared to 52.19 seconds earlier.
What is making this canister explode? We saw that the tablet fizzes when it comes in contact with water. What is that fizzing? It is the reaction between the chemicals in the tablet and the water and they are making carbon dioxide bubbles! The carbon dioxide builds inside the canister and the pressure gets so great that the top just pops off! It explains why the time was shorter with the canisters with the lids than the canisters without lids. The lid closed the gap where the air could escape and it instead built up until it couldn’t contain it any longer! It popped before the tablet could completely dissolve
Let’s make a rocket out of this! I made it out of construction paper around one of my canisters. I build it so that the lid is on the bottom of the rocket.
I go outside to launch a rocket fueled by Alka-Seltzer! I set it up and wait for the canister to blow. And surely enough……..
You can see the trail of fizz follow the rocket all the way up to the corner. I also love the splat on the table!
This launching Alka-seltzer canisters is fun and addicting! The WOW-rating is a 7- Lets do this over and over and over!!! I did that too! I sat in the hall way for about ten or fifteen minutes launching these things. Trying to see how high I could get them to go. Would the amount of water make a difference? The amount of Alka-Seltzer? You know, sciencey stuff!
I encourage you to find the experiment procedure and try it yourself! Ask yourself all kinds of questions. Discover!