Wednesday, May 21, 2014

23/54 The Baby Diaper Secret

We will finish the “Gooey Wonders” chapter today with an experiment that I have been wanting to do for awhile. In my years of babysitting, I have changed many diapers, but I have never dissected one before. With the generosity of my employer, I had two diapers for my experiment. Over a large piece of paper, I cut open the diaper, pulled the fluff out, and stuck it into a plastic bag.
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While I was doing this, many little “beads” of a white polymer spilled onto the piece of paper. I took the piece of paper and poured the polymer substance into the bag as well.
Now with all of the contents in the bag, I closed it and began shaking it vigorously. This required hard concentration!
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After several minutes of shaking, I went ahead and did the second diaper and this is how much polymer I acquired.
Not a lot for two diapers? I thought the same thing. But do not be deceived by its innocent appearance! Do not underestimate its power. This, however, is not the fun part. It has only just begun!
Earlier I had measured four ounces of water. After pouring the polymer into the cup, I added the water and stirred it with my finger. All of the sudden the mixture began to grow and become thick.
All of the little pieces had soaked up the water like thousands of little sponges! Before I played with it too much I wanted to pull off a little stunt. I have seen many videos of Mr. Spangler doing this. I grabbed the cup and turned it over and it did not spill out!
It was just brilliant! After handling the polymer substance, it seemed kind of dry, not wet enough. So I added more water.
I kept adding more and more water and it kept growing and growing! It grew so big that I had to switch to a bowl.
I told you not to underestimate its power.
Before                           &                         After
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These little polymer crystals are super absorbent! Mr. Spangler mentions that some can soak up as much as eight-hundred times its weight in water! WOW!
I took this a little further, I reversed the process. I took a small amount of the spongy substance and added salt to it. Mixing it with my finger, the result happened really fast!
The salt eliminates the polymers water-absorbing ability. The polymer released the water and that white dust at the bottom is not left over salt. It is the polymer! As a general rule of thumb, never add salt to a diaper!
Today, I am doing a total of three experiments. So I have a lot of playing to do! Next we will move into the chapter-
“Don’t Try This At Home…. Try This At a Friends Home!”
Another thing, if you are doing this experiment, try not to make a mess. These little polymers pieces get EVERYWHERE! I had a big mess to clean up and they aren’t easily cleaned up!