During our journey though “Naked Eggs and Flying Potatoes”, we have done many things to poor defenseless eggs. But this last experiment with eggs for this book is probably my favorite egg experiment. What is it then? We will start out by taking a glass and filling it with water (HA! You thought I was going to say “vinegar” didn’t you?). Then I placed a pie pan on top and next a toilet paper roll.
With a daring spirit, I place a raw egg on top of the toilet paper roll.
Now here comes the amazing part. I positioned my hand about six inches from the pan, ready to knock it off. (GASP!)
Moving swiftly, I hit the pan.
I could be really mean and just stop right here. But because this is so cool, I will let you see what happened.
The egg survived! It landed in the water safely!! With excitement pumping though me, I just HAD to do it again! But this time I took a video for all of you!
Yes, a very enthralling experience! As my mom said, “She did one, but can she do three?”
Some of you are thinking “She is brave”. Most of you are thinking “She is nuts”. A few of you are probably thinking “What a mess.” Can it be done? Let’s see.
This calls for a dance!
I was so darn happy!
And yes, my friend. I do have a video.
What is happening here? Sir Isaac Newton’s First Law of Motion. It says that objects in motion want to keep moving and objects that are stationary want to stay still- unless an outside force acts on them. The egg wants to stay still on top of the tube because that is what is doing. With the pan moving and then knocking the tube out from under the egg, the egg for just a fraction of a second, stays in the position it was in with the support of the tube. Then gravity took over and the egg landed safely in the water.
I loved this one!